Rabbi Pinto officiated the wedding of his student in Rabat, attended by numerous guests from Israel and the United States. The event, held at Rebbe Rabbi Josiah Pinto’s residence, celebrated the union of the bride, a graduate of Shuva Israel Midrashiyat in Rabat, and the groom, a yeshiva student.
The ceremony included a Chuppah Kiddushin, where Rabbi Pinto offered words of encouragement and moral guidance, emphasizing the couple’s commitment to Torah and reverence for Heaven.
This joyous occasion marked a significant event within Rabat’s Jewish community, where Rabbi Pinto has fostered spiritual growth through initiatives like Kollel Avrachim, a large yeshiva, a midrashiyat for girls, and a kindergarten. His efforts have attracted families from Shuva Israel, contributing to the community’s spiritual expansion.
Rabbi Pinto’s leadership extends beyond Rabat, overseeing numerous Shuva Israel institutions worldwide, which collectively house over a hundred beit midrash yeshivas.
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