• Naming a Child: A child born on Shavuot will be named David or Boaz.
• Soul Refinement: The three days preceding Shavuot are ideal for purifying and refining the soul to fear God and correct its defects. This period is believed to have a profound impact on the human soul, which seeks renewal and completion on Shavuot.
• Challah and Bread: Making challah on the eve of Shavuot is a great virtue. Baking bread in the shape of a key on Shavuot is believed to be a means of earning a livelihood.
• Prayers and Cautions: On Shavuot eve, one has significant power to pray for boys. It is also advised to avoid shedding blood or undergoing surgeries or dental treatments, except those under mental supervision.
• Charity: Giving charity on Shavuot eve for the soul of deceased relatives is a great mitzvah.
• Teaching Children: It is virtuous to teach a small child to read for the first time on Shavuot, the holiday of giving the Torah.
• Pouring Water: Rabbi Yechiel Ashkenazi believed that pouring water on someone during Shavuot was a sign that no harm would come to them that year. In Rabbi Chaim Pinto’s synagogue in Morocco, misreading warnings would lead to a small amount of water being poured on the individual.
• Holy Souls and Receipts: Holy books state that on Shavuot eve, holy souls descend from heaven to help people receive good receipts.
• Collecting Geniza: Rabbis customarily collect geniza(sacred texts) from homes on Shavuot and prevent them from being buried in the house.
• Custom of Apples: Distributing apples to children on Shavuot with the phrase “Under the apple you are aroused” is a tradition.
• Decorations: Synagogues are decorated with flowers and trees on Shavuot to commemorate the pleasant scents that filled the world when the Torah was given. It is said that neglecting this custom can have dire consequences.
• Silver on Torah: Placing silver items on the Torah scroll is a custom, symbolizing the Torah’s birthday.
• Reading Psalms: Some read the entire Book of Psalms on Shavuot.
• Forgiveness of Sins: Shavuot is a time when all sins are forgiven, likened to the relationship between a bride and groom.
• Visiting King David’s Tomb: Visiting King David’s tomb on Shavuot is considered a great privilege.
• Baal Shem Tov Stories: It is virtuous to tell stories about the holy Baal Shem Tov, as Shavuot is the day of his passing.
• Interpersonal Work: The primary focus of Shavuot is the work between individuals and their friends.
• Above Luck: Learning Torah places one above luck, with God directly taking care of those who study it.
• Tikun Shavuot: Properly learning Tikun Shavuot is seen as beneficial for one’s life and sustenance.
• Staying Awake: According to the Holy Zohar, staying awake and studying on Shavuot night guarantees no harm will come to one that year.
• Atonement: Shavuot night offers atonement for many serious prohibitions, symbolized by studying the holy Torah.
• Children’s Study: Bringing small children to study in the synagogue on Shavuot night is encouraged.
• Selective Study: If unable to study the entire correction, one should learn the beginning, end, and desired parts in the middle.
• Silence After Correction: The Baal Shem Tov advised maintaining silence after the Shavuot night correction until the holiness of Keter.
• Rabbi’s Presence: Encountering a rabbi on Shavuot is considered highly virtuous.
• Mikveh Immersion: Immersing in a mikveh on Shavuot night, just before dawn, is significant, akin to a woman purifying herself after seven clean days.
• Baba Meir’s Tradition: Baba Meir used to distribute hot tea and dates in his synagogue on Shavuot, reciting the verse “A righteous man like a date will bloom” to each person.
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