Signing of a cooperation agreement between Mr. Omar Al-Ghafourah, President of the Corps Africa Association in Morocco, and Mr. Mohamed Shadi, Dean of the Faculty of Lawand Economics at Hassan II University in Mohammedia, toenhance academic and community collaboration and developcharitable projects in Morocco.
Casablanca, Morocco – [22-2024] – CorpsAfrica, a pioneeringassociation committed to promoting social entrepreneurshipand community development across Africa,
proudly announces its inaugural Pitch Day event. Set to take place at the esteemed Onomo Hotel in Casablanca, Morocco onMay 22, this momentous occasion celebrates the resilience and remarkable contributions of CorpsAfrica’s volunteers, while also driving forward impactful initiatives in Morocco andbeyond.
CorpsAfrica, established in 2013, is a Moroccan association dedicated to promoting social entrepreneurship across Africa. Engaging young African volunteers, aged 20 to 30, in year-longservice projects addressing various community needs, theorganization emphasizes rigorous screening and training.
Pitch Day, inspired by Shark Tank, is a CorpsAfrica/Marocinitiative aimed at catalyzing positive change in rural communities through grassroots efforts. This event, acornerstone of CorpsAfrica’s commitment to empowerment,serves multifaceted
purposes. With an attendance of 100 distinguished guests,including influential leaders, potential donors, and enthusiastic supporters, Pitch Day not only seeks to fund
volunteer projects but also introduces CorpsAfrica and itsvolunteers to expansive networks.
The cornerstone of Pitch Day lay in empowering CorpsAfricavolunteers to directly pitch their project proposals to localbusinesses and potential donors. Through this dynamicexchange, volunteers had the opportunity to showcase their projects’ significance and impact, forging critical partnerships and securing essential resources to drive their initiativesforward.
In this edition, 7 volunteers were evaluated by a panel of notable judges, composed of respected individuals with experience and a keen interest in collaborating with NGOs andsimilar organizations. These judges brought expertise andgenuine enthusiasm for driving social change. Each volunteer’sproject underwent thorough evaluation to gauge its potential impact. The volunteer whose project displayed outstanding merit and ingenuity was rewarded, while others were acknowledged for their commendable contributions tocommunity betterment.
Here is an overview of few of the impactful projects presented atPitch Day 3rd edition:
● Project 1: Jawad Er-rachdi’s Road Repairing in Id AissaVillage aimed to improve road conditions, enhancingconnectivity, access to services, economic
opportunities, and social cohesion.
● Project 2: Soukaina Koumani and Sande Belmqadem’sAgricultural Cooperative in Anbdour Village focused onrevitalizing the economy through cost-effective feedproduction, promoting local sales, and ensuring economicsustainability.
● Project 3: Nadia Benaoui and Mariama Ba’s SustainableAgriculture in Outaghri Village addressed water distribution challenges, ensuring efficient irrigation,revitalizing lands, enhancing productivity, and preservingthe local ecosystem.
● Project 4: Fatima Zoubair and Ez-zahra Ait Bouzid’sTIFAWT Space project in IDSSYAR & AIT ZITOUN village empowered women through literacy, skilldevelopment, and entrepreneurship programs.
In addition to project presentations, Pitch Day featured engaging discussions, networking opportunities, and interactivesessions aimed at inspiring individuals to join the volunteeringprogram and become agents of change in their communities.
Among the notable guests were prominent figures,representatives from Local community and industry leaders andesteemed judges including Mr. Zouheir Lakhdissi, MmeSiham Malek, Mme Rabia El Alama, Mr. Imad Boulabat,Mr. Nabil Jadri , and Dr. F.
H. Benzakour.
About CorpsAfrica:
CorpsAfrica, established in 2013, is a Moroccan association dedicated to promoting social entrepreneurship across Africa. Engaging young African volunteers, aged 20 to 26, in year-longservice projects addressing various community needs, theorganization emphasizes rigorous screening and training.
By training highly educated young Africans to help localcommunities identify and solve their own challenges,CorpsAfrica is shifting Africa’s development sector fromreliance on external aid to empowering and strengthening itsmost valuable asset: its people.
Inspired by the Peace Corps model, CorpsAfrica Volunteers livein remote villages for up to a year, facilitating small-scaleprojects identified by the community.
Since its inception, CorpsAfrica has expanded to 10 countries,with plans to reach all 54 African countries within a decade. Their volunteers have completed over 800 projects, includingbuilding infrastructure and supporting local farms. Prioritizingcommunity
engagement fosters resilience and prepares volunteers forpersonal and professional growth.
For more information about CorpsAfrica and itsinitiatives, please visit:https://www.corpsafrica.org/where-we-work/morocco/
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