Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Kiryat Gat, Beit Shemesh, Ashdod, Be’er Sheva, Lod and Jerusalem are the cities where Torah classes have been held in recent days, by Rabbi Yoel Moshe Pinto, son and successor of Rabbi Josiah Pinto
Rabbi Yoel Pinto came to Israel especially to strengthen the Shova Israel communities in Israel, which have dozens of yeshivot and branches in Israel.
As soon as he landed, a marathon of Torah lessons and reinforcement began, during which he brought the blessing of his father, the Rebbe, Rabbi Josiah Pinto. In addition, Rabbi Yoel Pinto served as a godfather in the alliances held by the Hasidim Shova Israel and received a wide audience of blessings and counsel. Among the blessed; The Mayor of Kiryat Gat, Aviram Dahari, and the Mayor of Lod, Yair Revivo.
In his lessons, he discussed the security situation and the war afflicting Israel, saying that our rabbis teach us how to behave in difficult times, and that it is precisely now that we must become stronger and pave a strong and strong spiritual path. The soldiers who are on the front lines
of the fighting know what their war strategy is, but we on the home front also need to know how to behave, what to do during this difficult time, and what God really wants from us. »
Rabbi Yoel Pinto went on to explain the inner workings of the latter parts of the Shabbat portion in the synagogues, describing the exile from Egypt, in which the Israelites descended to the lowest place, but it was precisely there that the great salvation arose for them and they left Egypt, successfully crossed the Red Sea, received the Torah and eventually entered the Land of Israel.
“This is also our job today,” he said, “even if everything seems difficult and not going well, it is time to redeem ourselves personally and in general. Therefore, each and every one of the people of Israel will be strengthened, in the Torah, in the commandments, in the observance of the Sabbath, in reading the book of Deuteronomy on the Sabbath, and in spreading unconditional love, and through this, we will soon see complete redemption,” he added.
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