The lessons of the Rabbi Josiah Pinto, Shlita, are renowned in the Jewish world. They combine Hasidism and thought, along with tips for a better life. We have gathered pearls from his teachings that are relevant to our daily lives. And this week: Parshat Shemot
“And a woman borrowed from her neighbor and drawer silverware and gold utensils and a dress, and you put on your sons and on your sons” (3:22).We find in this week’s Torah portion the promise that when they leave Egypt, the Israelites will send the women and children to accompany them and borrow clothes and dresses,
silverware and gold from their neighbors and women – that they will have something to wear and what to decorate when they leave Egypt. And it is worth understanding why God commanded that only women and children accompany dresses and clothes, why there is no command for men as well, since they also need clothes. What’s the matter with only women and children accompanying clothes?
But here we know what Rashi and our holy gentlemen explain about the verse, “Your dress has not worn out over you and your foot has not worn out for forty years” (Deuteronomy 8:4), that when the Israelites were in the desert for forty years, their clothes did not wear out. The clothes they wore would wash on their own, as a person grew taller – the garment became longer; When a person was fattened, the garment would expand together. But it was only in the clothes that the Israelites wore on their bodies, Clothes that were in the box or drawer did not grow or wash, but wore out and spoiled. Only the clothes that were on the Israelites remained intact.
From here we come to a great element. The Holy Torah tells us that when Pharaoh chased the Israelites into the Red Sea, he took all the clothes, jewelry, silver, and gold with him—all in order to pursue the Israelites. With Pharaoh the men and soldiers chased the Israelites, the women did not chase the Israelites. And while the sea ejected the Egyptians, the Israelites took the clothes of the Egyptians, the men – the soldiers, And so they had clothes to wear. But God wanted women and children to have clothes as well, and the Egyptians would not bring the clothes of the women and children when they pursued the Israelites. The men among the Israelites will not be able to ask for the beautiful clothes of the Egyptian men because they will not agree to lend them to the Israelites. They save them for the time of their pursuit of the Israelites to the Red Sea.
Therefore, G-d says that the women and children will borrow clothes from the Egyptians, because in the persecution of the Israelites there will be no women’s clothes, and the women of Israel will have nothing to wear. Therefore, before the Exodus, they and the children will borrow clothes from the Egyptians, because whatever clothes the women and children will have down the road, what they will now borrow from the Egyptian women. The men of the Israelites, on the other hand, will take from the spoils the expensive clothes with which Pharaoh’s soldiers will chase them, After they die.
We learn here that everything that God says and everything that God promises is fulfilled until the end, down to the very last point. Many times a person says: Behold, I have done a mitzvah and G-d has promised that whoever fulfills this mitzvah will have such and such for him, and now it has not happened to me yet, and G-d has not yet given me what the Torah promised. Man has to wait because nothing is hidden from God, Everything that the Holy Torah and our holy gentlemen promised and said – that person will receive everything until the last point.
Even with regard to God’s promise that the Israelites would come out with large possessions, He does not deprive women. They went and borrowed clothes, because in the Egyptians’ persecution of the Israelites they did not bring women’s and children’s clothes. God has not forgotten this either. G-d said that they would leave with great possessions and everyone would be happy and satisfied, so at the critical moments of the Israelites’ departure – between the plagues, G-d says, “And asked a woman from her neighbor” that the women should go and accompany. Men don’t have to go. They will get theirs in the Red Sea.
From this we learn a great element: many times we do not see the answer quickly. In many things you have to wait until you see the promises fulfilled. And man needs patience, because what the mind does not do, time does and he will atone for all things. A person has to wait until the end of the road to see the perfection that G-d promised and everything that the Torah promised – everything is muscular and existing.
As our holy rabbis learn from the Gemara (Avodah Zarah5:2), no one descends to the end of his rabbi’s mind until forty years later. Forty years you have to wait and see that everything is fulfilled. A person has to wait until the moment comes when all promises are fulfilled and all circles are closed.
In the meantime, it is up to the person to work on the degree of patience. When a person does not have patience, he loses his world. And when a person has patience, he will also be rewarded for the time he waited patiently.
With discretion, joy and devotion – in the end you get everything.
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