In total, of the 181,581 foreigners who have obtained a Spanish passport (the highest number since 2014), more than 50,000 are from Morocco . According to this data, the vast majority of them reside in the major cities of Madrid and Catalonia , followed by provinces such as Extremadura or La Rioja.
Thus, 30% of the total number of foreigners naturalized in Spain in 2022 will come from Morocco, with a total of 55,436 naturalized persons, i.e. 3 out of 10.
Morocco is followed by Ecuador with 10,845 naturalizations, Bolivia: 9,016, Dominican Republic: 8,100 and Venezuela: 8,036.
In all, 96% of applications for Spanish nationality were approved by local authorities. It should be remembered that obtaining Spanish nationality differs depending on where you come from. Foreigners in general are required to reside legally in the Iberian country continuously for ten years. In contrast, five years is sufficient for refugees.
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