In this press release, AMPOC recalls that the municipality of Kénitra had previously signed a contract with ARMA, in collaboration with the relevant authorities. Under the terms of this contract, ARMA is responsible for providing a daily domestic waste collection, transport and treatment service, while complying with hygiene, prevention and public health standards, and taking care of the public aspect of this crucial infrastructure.
Unfortunately, the situation has deteriorated with the increasing spread of household waste in various neighborhoods and arteries of Kenitra, warns AMPOC. Delays in emptying and cleaning waste containers have led to an increase in mosquitoes, cockroaches and other pests.
In addition, the wandering of animals around the waste containers and the nauseating odors emanating from them, particularly during this intensely hot summer period, are a threat to the health of residents, the Association stresses.
Faced with this worrying situation, AMPOC is sounding an urgent alarm for consumer protection, acting within the powers granted to it by law 08-31. However, despite the complaints made by citizens, no satisfactory response has yet been forthcoming, deplores the association.
AMPOC clearly expresses the deep dissatisfaction of the people of Kenitra with the services provided by ARMA. ARMA is unable to meet daily needs in terms of domestic waste management. In addition, the association vigorously denounces the crying lack of resources and equipment for waste collection, transport and treatment.
The association highlights the unsatisfactory level of oversight exercised by the stakeholders responsible for managing this crucial urban infrastructure. It points out that delegated management approaches have clearly shown their limits in the management of urban public infrastructure. These methods have proved incapable of responding to local development imperatives and adapting to ongoing changes within the city.
Against this backdrop, AMPOC calls for a public debate to be launched, activating the mechanisms for participation, dialogue and consultation enshrined in the legislation governing local authorities.
According to AMPOC, this could be achieved by introducing innovative contractual models within local development companies and inter-municipal cooperation institutions. In addition, private sector involvement could reinforce the principle of competition, which could ultimately improve the competitiveness of urban public infrastructures and the quality of services offered.
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