During a police raid on the home of a thug in Fkih Ben Saleh, the gendarmes found a young girl kidnapped, held captive for several days, mistreated and raped.
This young man from the town of Fkih Ben Saleh was born one of those days in 1997. And yet, he became a criminal without scruples or pity. He would roam the four corners of the town, assaulting victims and burglarizing commercial and residential premises. For him, it didn’t matter what he had to target. The most important thing was to have enough to live on, to do drugs, to get drunk and to satisfy his bestial needs. That’s why he was the subject of several nationwide wanted notes for perpetrating crimes against victims from whom he snatched purses and cell phones. He even stole bicycles and irrigation motors. In short, he would commit his crimes only to vanish into thin air once he was intent on committing another crime of aggression or burglary, such as the one that targeted the home of a Moroccan national abroad. Of course, the Royal Gendarmerie in Had Benmoussa, who were looking into the complaints lodged by his victims, neither turned a blind eye nor gave up, because they were unable to put him out of action. On the contrary, they continued to look for him in every corner, warning all informers and informers. At first, it was one of the latter who alerted the gendarmes, informing them that their target was in a home located in the Had Benmoussa rural commune in the town of Fkih Ben Saleh. Given that he was very violent and aggressive, and that he could confront them by any means to get away, the elements of the Royal Gendarmerie took their precautions while putting in place a well-structured plan to raid the home where he was staying. However, he put up fierce resistance before the officers managed to seize him, handcuff him and arrest him. Immediately, a young girl stood in front of the gendarmes, tears in her eyes. Who was she? She’s one of his victims. He had kidnapped her a few days earlier, then held her at his home and sexually abused her.
Armed with a knife,” said the twenty-four-year-old girl, “he blocked her path and forced her to accompany him to his home, all the while threatening her. Having no choice, because she was afraid of being savagely hurt, she gave in to him. But she didn’t believe that he would keep her at his place while raping and abusing her at every turn if she refrained from giving in to him.
In fact, she finally found her freedom, while the accused was taken, under arrest, to the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Beni Mellal Court of Appeal, who decided to keep him in pre-trial detention and put him behind bars until he was brought before the examining magistrate.
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