On Saturday afternoon, on the basis of precise information provided by the services of the Direction générale de la surveillance du territoire (DGST), police operating at the Port of Tangier-Med arrested a Spanish national and foiled an attempt to traffic 1,050 kg of chira, a security source told us.
According to preliminary investigations, the suspect, a 51-year-old Spanish national, was arrested in flagrante delicto for attempting to traffic seized drug shipments in a foreign-registered commercial vehicle, the same source reported. The foreigner in question was subjected to a judicial investigation under the supervision of the competent public prosecutor’s office, with a view to clarifying the circumstances of this case and identifying the international ramifications of this criminal activity, it was added.
This case is part of a sustained joint effort by the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Nationale (DGSN) and the Direction Générale de la Surveillance du Territoire (DGST) to combat drug and narcotics trafficking, concludes the same source.
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