The Director General of National Security had instructed the Inspectorate General to carry out an in-depth investigation into the management of the Royal Institute of Police (IRP) and its schools, according to a security source.
The results of this investigation revealed a number of dysfunctions, professional abuses and individual behaviors that run counter to the standards of security governance and police professional ethics, we explain.
These disciplinary sanctions include the provisional suspension of the IRP Director, pending his presentation before the disciplinary board which will examine the excesses of which he is accused, the same source points out, adding that a similar measure has been taken against two other civil servants, a brigadier and a police inspector.
A reprimand was issued to a police officer and a warning to three other employees of the same institution, including two police commissioners and a police inspector, who will be deployed outside police training institutions.
These disciplinary sanctions also include the sending of letters of observation to three police executives found guilty of negligence in the performance of their duties, including a divisional commissioner, a senior peace officer and a peacekeeper, in addition to the dismissal of a divisional peace commander from his duties and his transfer outside the IRP.
The results of the Inspectorate General’s investigation led to a series of performance evaluation measures designed to remedy the shortcomings identified, particularly in terms of applying standards of good governance in the management of human and material resources, and complying with the principles of the Code of Ethics for National Security Civil Servants.
These decisions, notes the same source, are part of the DGSN’s commitment to ensuring meticulous monitoring of the smooth running of its central services responsible for police training, particularly the aspect relating to strict compliance with the rules of professional integrity and exemplary personal behavior.
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