The drinking water distributed in the city of Marrakech meets all current quality standards, announced the Prefecture’s Monitoring Committee. The change in the taste of the water noted by residents of certain neighborhoods is said to be due to a change in the sources of water distribution, as a result of the current situation linked to the decline in water resources in the region.
“Following recent reports on certain social networks concerning changes in the drinking water in certain districts of Marrakech, the Monitoring Committee, made up of all those involved in the mobilization, production and distribution of water, affirms that the drinking water distributed in the city meets all national quality standards, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, affirms that the drinking water distributed in the city meets all the quality standards in force nationwide, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization“, states the Régie Autonome Intercommunale de Distribution d’Eau et d’Électricité de Marrakech (RADEEMA) in a press release.
He added that “the change in the taste of drinking water is due to a change in the sources of water distribution, due to the current critical situation, linked to the decline in water resources in the region”.
“Concerned about the health safety of the city’s inhabitants, the Comité de veille carries out daily microbiological analyses of the water, as well as rigorous and permanent monitoring by its own internal laboratories and external laboratories, which enjoy all the qualities of independence and impartiality”, indicates the same source, adding that “these procedures are also accompanied by water quality monitoring campaigns by the unit responsible for monitoring public health, under the Ministry of Health“.
The committee also stresses that all its teams and structures remain mobilized to manage this exceptional phase, in partnership with all the parties concerned at city level.
The Monitoring Committee, chaired by the Wali of the Marrakech-Safi region, is made up of the Tensift Water Basin Agency, the Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable (Water Department), and RADEEMA.
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