The third edition of the Azilal Bio-cultural Festival was launched on Monday in Azilal, under the theme “Sustaining living territories: a shared responsibility”.
Launched at the initiative of the Moroccan Association for Biodiversity and Livelihoods (MBLA) as part of efforts to support the Global Biodiversity Framework 2030, the three-day event will showcase the city’s
rich cultural biodiversity, with a view to contributing to the reconstruction of biodiversity.
The program for this third edition of the festival includes themed conferences and workshops on biodiversity conservation, food security and the green economy, as well as a seed fair, a culinary competition showcasing local delicacies, women’s races and a series of cultural events such as poetry readings, parades and breaks for Amazigh singing.
Also on the program for this Festival, initiated in partnership with the Consortium of “Areas and Territories of Indigenous and Community Heritage” (APAC Maroc), a network of associations supporting the guardians of Moroccan living territories, are panels on ecological restoration as a challenge for the resilience of living territories, and on the certification of ecological restoration and responsible ecosystem management.
The festival also features workshops on entrepreneurship, green industries and ecotourism. The festival also features the traditional equestrian art of Tbourida, poetry from the High Atlas and Amazigh culture.
Morocco joined the international dynamic of support for APACs in 2018 thanks to the support of the Global APAC Support Initiative (ICCA-GSI) and the UNDP Micro-Financing
Programme. There are now 7 associations actively supporting communities that are guardians of Moroccan living territories, with more than 40 potential APACs identified, of which more than a dozen are supported and recognized.
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