Two years in prison was the verdict recently handed down by the criminal division of the Rabat Court of Appeal against each of three young men, aged 27, 32 and 37 respectively, for having raped in turn a 12 year old girl, resulting in her pregnancy, in the douar El Ghazouana located on the outskirts of the town of Tiflet. This lenient judgment has shocked all the associative actors who have expressed their indignation by publishing communiqués in which they believe that such a judgment encourages rapists and pedophiles to continue to abuse. The associations for the defense of human rights, child protection and feminists considered that this judgment clearly contradicts articles 110 and 117 of the Constitution of the Kingdom, which stipulate on the one hand that “the magistrates of the seat are only obliged to apply the law” and on the other hand that “the judge is in charge of the protection of the rights and freedoms and of the judicial security of persons and groups”. It also contradicts articles 486 and 488 of the penal code, which provide for sentences ranging from 10 to 20 years of criminal imprisonment. These civil society associations are calling for the opening of an investigation in this regard.
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