The candidates of the bar admission exam are not yet ready to turn the page. If the Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Ouahbi, had brushed aside all the rumors around the results of the said competition that have caused a lively controversy in the ranks of candidates not admitted, the latter plead “victims of clientelism, nepotism and lack of equal opportunity.
As a result, they decided to start a hunger strike from this Friday. An action to oppose the ministerial decision to hold the oral examination of the competition for access to the legal profession that confirms the results of the written exam that has experienced, according to candidates not selected, “major violations.
This escalation comes, according to members of the coordination of candidates not selected to take the oral examination, in reaction to what they call “the total silence” of the government and some public bodies in the face of their claims.
It should be noted that the candidates who failed the written examination of the competition for access to the legal profession have decided, for some time, to take legal action by filing a complaint with the Attorney General of the King at the Court of Cassation to request the opening of an investigation on the results of the competition. An action that was not to the liking of Ouahbi who had indicated that the prosecutor of the King can not open an investigation on the basis of “allegations”, stressing that the criminal complaint must be justified by data and specific facts while naming the persons involved.
The candidates not admitted to the competition did not stop there. According to
information provided by the same coordination, the concerned have sent an official correspondence to the Royal Cabinet to make their voice heard by HM King Mohamed IV.
As a reminder, the results of the competitive examination for access to the profession of lawyer which began in late 2022 have raised a lively controversy because of the number of candidates who failed the written exam. Results that have only created a tug of war between the Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Ouahbi and the candidates concerned who demand the cancellation of the results of the examination and the organization of a new competition.
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