A few months after the resolution of the file of the 7283 Moroccan students returning from Ukraine, by the integration in the private universities of the Kingdom or the implementation of the distance learning system, a new subject raises concerns among the families of the concerned. This time, the subject concerns an exam where attendance is required: the “Krok”.
This is an examination required by a specialized center in the country independently of Ukrainian universities. It concerns mainly 3rd year students of all medical specialties and 5th year students of medicine and pharmacy.
In this regard, the Association of Parents of Moroccan Students has sent a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Moroccans Resident Abroad in which it wants the said exam to be taken without having to travel to Ukraine.
“The students who have passed their 3rd and 4th years are always called to pass this exam at all costs. They can not even get their certificate of achievement of the 3rd year because it is conditioned by the success of this exam, “said Abdelkader El Youssfi, president of the Association of Mothers and Fathers of Moroccan students returning from Ukraine. He added: “We have contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to intervene with the Ministry of Higher Education in Ukraine to find possible solutions to this issue, because we have already begun to receive the schedule according to which students will have to pass the exam in question.
For the Association, there is no question of cancelling the “Krok”, as was the case at the end of the academic year 2021-2022, but rather to find solutions without risking the lives of those concerned. “We are open to all options proposed in this direction, either to allow students to take the said exam in other countries or even take it nationally, “says El Youssfi, noting that the passage of this exam is subject, according to the Ukrainian Specialized Center, to the presence of the student and it can not be taken remotely.
It should be noted that some of the Moroccan students returning from Ukraine continue their studies at a distance in the Kingdom since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. An alternative that works well, in the eyes of Abdelkader El Youssfi, despite the “lack of coordination between the Ukrainian universities and those of Morocco to achieve the field courses that complement the educational courses.
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