The facade of the consulate and the entrance were sprayed with a red liquid, with banners reading “accomplices of anti-Christian terrorism”, in reference to the murder perpetrated last week in Algeciras in a church. The banners were removed, according to local media.
According to the same sources, the police have opened an investigation to clarify the facts.
Recall that Karima Benyaich, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco in Spain, had sent a message of condolences to the city authorities and the Bishops’ Conference following the murder of a sacristan by an individual of Moroccan nationality.
Arrested and identified as Yassine Kanjaa, the attacker killed Wednesday the sexton of the parish of Nuestra Señora de la Palma, Diego Valencia, and injured the parish priest of San Isidro, Antonio Rodríguez, in separate attacks against churches in Algesiras.
The detainee will be brought before the judge of the National Court (AN) Joaquín Gadea on Monday, to question him about his actions related to the “jihadist Salafism”.
Kanjaa was transferred to Madrid and taken into custody on Thursday night, to be placed at the disposal of anti-terrorism specialists at the headquarters of the Canillas Complex on Friday .
The General Commissioner for Information of the Police has already sent his reports to the judge, who will have to decide on his possible imprisonment. The transfer of the accused to the National Court took place around 09:00 on Monday.
On the basis of the elements collected in the search, the judge stressed on Wednesday that it could be about jihadist Salafism. The police found jihadist propaganda in the slum of Algeciras where the man resided, indicted for the murder of the sexton and the injuries inflicted on people in his attacks on churches in Algeciras.
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