The price increase reviews of basic products follow each other and are similar, to the detriment of the low purchasing power of several segments of the population. No basic product is spared and it is around the prices of vegetables to know astronomical increases.
In this context, Le Site info has seen these exorbitant increases in vegetable prices in the markets of Casablanca. Thus, for example, the price of a kilogram of potatoes has reached 7 DH, that of onions is 5 DH, while peppers and eggplants cost respectively 8 DH per kilo.
For a professional, in a statement to the Moroccan press, these untimely increases in the price of vegetables in Morocco are mainly due to the upward review of fuel prices. As well as the high cost of fertilizers, in large part, and gas, products that farmers use, especially for potatoes, not to mention the increase in wages of the workforce, he stressed.
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