The prices of honeys are likely to know a probable upward revision, in Morocco, because of the worrying decrease of the hives, involving the reduction of the production and the delay of the pluviometry, first. Then, because of the varrea, a parasite enemy of bees and vector of several diseases affecting these insects, producers of honey and wax.
In this regard, the national coordinator of the Professional Beekeepers’ Organizations (OPA) assured that Moroccan beekeepers have no intention of increasing the price of honey, despite the fact that transport costs have become very expensive for them because of the review of rising fuel prices.
Returning to the prices of honeys, the national coordinator of OPAs was keen to specify that the honey eucalyptus costs between 100 and 130 DH per kilogram, while the price of honey jujube is 150 DH. He stressed that the honey market remains anarchic and subject to the diktat of speculators, as well as the owners of large companies that buy this product in very large quantities.
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