Between 2005 and 2020, they represented 14% in Morocco
The proportion of women’s needs met by modern methods is 74% in 2022. This family planning dynamic has had positive effects, particularly on maternal mortality.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) office in Rabat organized on Thursday in the capital, in partnership with the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH), a meeting to present the UNFPA report on the state of the world population entitled “Understanding the Imperceptible: Acting to Resolve the Forgotten Crisis of Unintended Pregnancy”. The report, which examines several indicators related to sexual and reproductive health, reports that in Morocco, the contraceptive prevalence rate (all methods) among women aged 15-49 is 43% in 2022. UNFPA notes that married or cohabiting women are increasingly using contraceptive methods, with a rate of 71%. As for modern contraceptive methods, 37% of Moroccan women use them. This rate rises to 61% for married or cohabiting Moroccan women.
According to the report, the unmet need for family planning among women is 7%. It should be noted that the proportion of needs met by modern methods among women will be 74% in 2022. This family planning dynamic has had positive effects, particularly on maternal mortality. Indeed, the maternal mortality ratio has decreased to 70 deaths per 100,000 live births. The percentage of births attended by a health professional has improved significantly, reaching 87% over the 2014-2020 period.
In addition, the adolescent birth rate (which measures the number of births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19) is 19 per thousand. The United Nations Population Fund indicates in its report that child marriage represents 14% in Morocco over the period 2005-2020. This alarming report reveals that the annual number of unintended pregnancies is estimated at 121 million worldwide, an average of 331,000 per day. More than 60% of unintended pregnancies result in abortion. An estimated 45% of abortions are unsafe and account for 5-13% of maternal deaths.
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