This synagogue has been the subject of rehabilitation work as part of the Program of rehabilitation and development of the medina of Tangier and restoration of all places of worship that constitute spaces with strong civilizational significance. Work conducted, in accordance with the high guidelines of King Mohammed VI, by the Agency for the Promotion and Development of the North (APDN) in partnership with the Wilaya of the region Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima and the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication.
The project involved the reconstruction of the synagogue building, which had been abandoned for more than 60 years and was in danger of collapsing at any moment. The rehabilitation work has rebuilt the synagogue identically in full respect of its components dating from over a century and required a total budget of 2 million dirhams (MDH), funded by the Department of Culture.
In parallel with the rehabilitation of the synagogue, a committee of the Jewish community of Tangier has proceeded to finance and carry out the work of scenography of the museum space Beit Yehuda, for the preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage specific to the Judaism of the Megorachim, established in the northern area of the Kingdom.
The museum space, with an area of 260 m2, houses 3 exhibition rooms, corridors around the Synagogue Patio and a souvenir store. It is also planned to create a study and research center dedicated to the Sephardic Judaism of Northern Morocco.
The inauguration ceremony took place in the presence of the wali of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, Mohamed Mhidia, the president of the Regional Council, Omar Moro, the secretary general of the Council of Jewish Communities of Morocco, Serge Berdugo, the governor of the province of Fahs-Anjra, Abdelkhalek Marzouki, the director general of the APDN, Mounir El Bouyoussfi, executives of the National Museums Foundation, elected officials, representatives of the Moroccan Jewish community and civil society actors.
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