Under the theme “Contribution of Moroccans living abroad to local development”.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad celebrates the National Day of Moroccans Abroad. Organized on August 10, this event has as its central theme “Contribution of Moroccans living abroad to local development”. “As in recent years, the celebrations will be organized at the level of prefectures and provinces of the Kingdom in coordination with the Ministry of Interior, to bring them closer to members of our community during their summer stay in Morocco, and allow them to participate in mass and in the best conditions, while taking into account the measures and health procedures related to limiting the spread of Covid-19,” said a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans residing abroad
This year’s celebration aims, according to the same source, to examine the mechanisms for strengthening the contribution of Moroccans living abroad in achieving local development while highlighting their efforts in this field. It is also to identify the opportunities available for local development through the capacities available in each region. This day also coincides with the operation “Marhaba 2022” relating to the reception of Moroccans living abroad who come to spend their summer vacations in their country of origin.
This initiative is part of the summer support of Moroccans of the World, and is characterized by the implementation of several programs, including the organization of the summer university for young MREs organized on July 18 and 27 in Tangier with the participation this year of 57 young people from 25 countries.
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