Mustapha El Atrassi has decided to end his career. The 36-year-old comedian made the announcement during his last performance of his tour, ironically named “Game Over”.
The French-Moroccan comedian explained his decision to his audience by the fact that “this job was screwing him up from the inside. The comedian said, with emotion: “It’s a big step to get there. Every day. It is not a normal job. I did it with all my heart, maybe too much (…) I wanted to tell you that your laughter is my tears and that it is time for me to laugh a little (…) If I let the emotion take over this situation, I will tell you the time of a sentence that I will miss you, that’s all“. The weight of his career thus weighed on his private life, but especially his mental health.
As a result, El Atrassi deleted all of his videos on his YouTube channel, as well as all of the content on his Instagram account. His Facebook page is still active, but there is content from 2020. Known for his teasing humor that “bothers” some, it has been noted in recent years that the comedian’s smile has faded over time. He has quickly exchanged his smile for a darker, more serious expression during his performances, as well as the subjects he deals with.
Just because you’re in a business where the heart of the matter is making people laugh doesn’t mean you’re always in a good mood. Comedians are often prone to depression and other mental illnesses and disorders. One of the greatest comedians of all time, Robin Williams, had committed suicide in 2014 as a result of depression that he hid for years.
The Moroccan public had discovered Mustapha El Atrassi in 2003, during the program “15 ans, 15 talents“, broadcast on the channel 2M. He gained notoriety with the Moroccan public by taking part in the sitcom “R’bib” by Saïd Naciri in 2004. Back in France, he became a columnist for several shows, including “On a tout essayé, On n’est pas couché, On n’a pas tout dit” by Laurent Ruquier, but also with Thierry Ardisson with “Salut les Terriens“.
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