“There is a kind of paradox that we can not understand: we are still slow to fully seize the opportunities offered by waste recycling, while we have the capacity. This statement of astonishment is from Mohamed Tahiri, international expert in bioenergy, water and environment. Like all the players in the recycling sector in Morocco, he warns of the double loss that the Kingdom is accumulating by falling behind in recycling: pollution and financial loss. If the environmental impacts of inert, domestic and industrial waste are no longer to be demonstrated, we still wonder about the opportunities that their treatment offers to the economy, but which remains so far almost untapped.
At a time when recycling can produce electricity, but also fuels, the operators of the sector call for more interest on their contribution to improve the economic situation in the current situation.
In Morocco, taking full advantage of the potential of recycling requires several steps: successful waste sorting, treatment and reuse. At present, the
few examples to be cited at the national level are located in Fez and Oujda.
These actions could be of a nature to increase considerably the rate of collection and treatment of waste. According to the officials, the rate of treatment of industrial waste barely exceeds 13%, while the objective is to increase this level to 40% in the coming years.
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