A delegation from the National Supervisory Committee for Personal Data Protection participated in the 69th meeting of the Berlin Group (International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications), which was hosted on June 1 and 2 in Tel Aviv by the Israel Privacy Authority.
A statement to the committee said that prior to this participation, a digital meeting was held between Mr. Gilad Samama, Israel’s Privacy Commissioner, and Omar Seghroushni, Chairman of the National Supervisory Committee for Personal Data Protection.
The two officials discussed initiatives to develop bilateral relations between the two institutions, and agreed to organize working visits to Morocco and Israel, in order to establish permanent cooperation on personal data protection.
It should be noted that the International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications, known as the Berlin Group, was established in 1983 at the initiative of a number of national data protection agencies around the world.
Today, he follows the trends and developments in the technology sector, such as Big data, the Internet of Things or artificial intelligence.
To this end, the group is developing recommendations and guidelines for the use of this technology in a manner consistent with data privacy requirements.
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