n this scheme, poetry also has its day, as well as philosophy, logic, art, books and copyright or freedom of the press … without forgetting the music, as jazz in this case, this Afro-American genre became universal among the days of UNESCO celebrated in the spring of each year, or April 30.
In Rabat, it is the cultural structure Anya and UNESCO that celebrate this year, the international day of jazz 2022 with the organization online of a concert “JazzWomenAfrica” and a conference debate under the theme “What place and what challenges for women in jazz in Africa?
The concert organized on this occasion brought together 7 women jazz musicians from five different African countries. Jazz Day was established in November 2011 by UNESCO to raise awareness of the international community to the virtues of jazz as an educational tool, a force for peace, unity, dialogue and enhanced cooperation between peoples, seeing it as “a vector of freedom of expression and a symbol of unity and peace!
This year, the World Concert 2022 returns to the United Nations General Assembly Hall in New York, where the inaugural concert of the International Jazz Day in 2012 took place. This global concert, featuring major artists, highlights the importance of jazz as a means to achieve unity and peace through dialogue and diplomacy. Broadcast globally on UN WebTV, the 2022 World Concert will be a call for peace, reconstruction and unity through a series of performances by leading jazz artists from around the world.
The 2022 program is designed to showcase the potential of jazz as a means of peaceful collaboration and constructive dialogue by Herbie Hancock – a living legend of jazz! – as host and artistic director and John Beasley as music director.
The largest annual celebration of jazz in the world, it is a commitment by 190 countries, attracting millions of people each year, across continents. This international day brings together communities, schools, artists, historians, academics and jazz enthusiasts from around the world to celebrate and discover the art of jazz – this music of improvisation and collective creation – its roots, its future and its impact.
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