After a very difficult start to the agricultural campaign due to a strong rainfall deficit, the significant rainfall that has fallen in recent weeks on the various provinces in the region has had a positive impact on the rangelands and plant cover.
These rains, which have affected the various provinces of the region, have been welcomed with great enthusiasm and optimism by farmers, insofar as the improvement of rangelands would reduce the cost of feed.
According to official data from the Regional Directorate of Agriculture (DRA), the widespread rainfall in the region has brought the average cumulative rainfall to 131 mm, including 78 mm since the beginning of March, compared to 208 mm during the same period last year.
The good distribution of these rains since the beginning of March has had a positive impact on the rangelands in the region known to be a livestock area par excellence, especially after a very difficult start to the campaign related to a deficit of rainfall very marked, causing a lack of irrigation water at the dams and a lowering of the water table.
The improvement of climatic conditions has allowed the programming of spring crops, on an area of nearly 7,200 ha of spring market gardening, 57,400 ha of corn, 5,000 ha of chickpea, said the DRA, noting that the achievements to date are interesting, with about 3,800 ha of spring market gardening, 5,100 ha of chickpea, and 52,300 ha of corn.
Regarding the livestock sector, the impact of these rains has been even more significant through the improvement of vegetation cover and consequently, the state of rangelands, whose area amounts to 57,000 ha.
In the same vein, it should be noted that to safeguard the animal capital, farmers benefit from the support of the Department of Agriculture through the distribution of barley and compound feed at a subsidized price and this, under the Program to Reduce the Impact of Rainfall Deficit launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
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