It seems that Nabila Rmili has decided to take the problem head on. In the City Council, during the mandates of the various mayors who succeeded each other, the problem of the non-existence of public toilets in Casablanca had indeed become nagging, and returned regularly in the debates. Today, public toilets will perhaps finally be built, with the surplus of the operating budget of “Casa Baia”, amounting to 30 million dirhams in 2021. “This amount has been returned to us, and we have decided to devote it to public toilets in Casablanca, and to green spaces,” explained the mayor to the elected officials of the city.
But if today the mayor of the economic metropolis of Morocco mentioned the concretization of public toilets for Casablanca, which would be implanted in several places of the city, these places were however not yet defined.
Just last year, Casa Aménagement installed public toilets in the United Nations Square downtown. Still closed to this day, they are not operational at all.
The establishment of public toilets for Casablanca was not, however, the only subject of concern of elected officials, meeting in ordinary session, Friday, February 18, 2022. Several other issues related to the management of the metropolis were discussed.
Thus, among the points discussed, is an increase in the rent of the historic site of Sqala, where a restaurant welcomes customers since 2002. Nabila Rmili, mayor of the metropolis, said that negotiations were still ongoing and that no decision had yet been made on the matter. “The new property value was not [communicated] before this session, it is beyond our control,” she explained.
Shortly before the time of the chairmen of the committees, the mayor announced that in 2021, Casablanca had achieved a total of 3 billion and 425 million dirhams of revenue and that 98% of the budget forecasts had been achieved.
Nabila Rmili took the opportunity to emphasize -not without pride- that Casablanca was the only one of all cities in Morocco that had managed to achieve financial autonomy. “We have reached a rate of issuance of programmed expenditure of 86% in 2021,” she said with satisfaction.
The mayor made several important announcements during this session. Among them, the launch of a tender to recruit 20 doctors and 10 architects, as well as another tender to recruit 5 veterinarians for the zoo of Ain Sebâa in Casablanca, whose opening had been announced for March 2022.
Nabila Rmili also recalled that 36% of the budget of the City Council of Casablanca was allocated to the salaries of the 10,595 current officials. And it is to fill the understaffing in human resources of the city, according to the mayor, that recruitments are underway, and that competitions are organized.
Regarding the implementation of other projects, Nabila Rmili said that a tender for the maintenance of the hopper Zerktouni, in a state of disrepair, will be launched shortly.
Another announcement: the mayor informed the elected officials that Casa Aménagement is in charge of building a municipal pool for Casablanca, once the land is identified and delivered.
Ditto for the lighting of the cable-stayed bridge of Sidi Maârouf, still plunged in darkness. “Casa Aménagement will rehabilitate and equip all the structures, including the cable-stayed bridge,” explained Nabila Rmili.
Another project, that of the construction of the Municipal Market Al Massira, with a budget of 30 million dirhams. A site that proved to be unsound after its initiation, since, according to the mayor of Casablanca, the land is not suitable, being located on a highway. This souk, whose construction had already
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