“We are working on the development of a green partnership between Morocco and the European Union (EU), the first we are developing with a partner country,” Ursula von der Leyen said in a statement to the press following her meeting with the head of government Aziz Akhannouch.
During this first official visit to the Kingdom, the President said that the “green partnership” between the EU and Morocco aims to strengthen energy cooperation and fight against global warming, a partnership that will allow both partners “to engage in the development of a greener energy”.
This investment is part of the Global GateAway programme, according to the tweet from the European official. A project launched last June in Brussels, which aims to strengthen cooperation in the field of energy, the fight against global warming, environmental protection and the promotion of the “green economy”. It is also part of the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change.
The two partners have been linked for more than 20 years by agricultural and fisheries agreements that cover the Sahara territory. For Rabat, the most important aspect of this partnership concerns the export of its agricultural products to the European Union.
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