The Mohamed VI Polytechnic University of Benguerir will host the 10th edition of the ATDA21 on 25 and 26 November, co-organised with the CNDP.
Casablanca, Maroc, No 15th, 2021 This year, Morocco will host the 10th edition of the Assises de la Transformation digitale en Afrique (ATDA). Cio Mag’s flagship event, dedicated to the digital sector in Africa, will be held on 25 and 26 November at the prestigious Mohamed VI Polytechnic University. This year’s edition is co-organised in partnership with the CNDP (Commission Nationale de Contrôle de la Protection des Données à caractère Personnel).
To celebrate this anniversary, the theme that has been chosen is: “Deploying a resilient, sovereign and sustainable infrastructure to foster African innovation”. The 2021 edition will focus on infrastructure as a crucial issue for digital development. Infrastructure is an essential pillar for achieving digital confidence and sovereignty and for controlling sensitive data. And this issue is more topical than ever.
The health crisis has highlighted the great disparities in access, particularly as regards broadband. In some remote areas, the cost of broadband access can represent up to 70% of household income. According to the World Bank, the reduction of the digital divide in Africa is estimated at 100 billion dollars. This is a major challenge for addressing the many socio-economic challenges facing the continent.
Considered as a formidable accelerator in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the African digital sector is full of significant growth potential. It is necessary to develop and strengthen them through cooperation between States in order to define, in an autonomous manner, a roadmap and a technological trajectory. It is up to Africa to have all the capacities, both technical and institutional, to master the key technologies and ultimately achieve this confidence and sovereignty.
“To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the 2021 edition will be largely devoted to trust and digital sovereignty. Together, we will reflect on how the continent will implement infrastructures and capacities to ensure the storage, control and management of citizen and business data on African soil,” said Mohamadou Diallo, Founder of ATDA and President of the Organising Committee.
“To foster the necessary development of digital, we must develop sovereign trust ecosystems. To live digitally, you have to breathe digital trust,” said Omar Seghrouchni, President of the CNDP, co-organiser of the event.
Sharing experiences to develop best practices
During the event, exchanges on new skills and professions will be organised. Indeed, trust and sovereignty need local skills to assert themselves and face the new challenges linked to the protection of personal data and cybersecurity. And if Africa wishes to decide, in complete independence, on its technological choices and its regulation, without being subject to external forces, digital trust and sovereignty are the prerequisite.
An approach to which several national and private Moroccan institutions are already committed. The ADD (Agence du Développement du Digitale), AUSIM (Association des Utilisateurs des Systèmes d’Information du Maroc) and APEBI (Fédération Marocaine des Technologies d’Information, de Télécommunications, et de l’Offshoring) are partners in this edition. As such, these organisations will welcome their African peers to promote the experiences sharing in order to bring out best practices.
About the Assises de la Transformation digitale en Afrique: Organised by Cio Mag, the first pan-African magazine dedicated to digital in Africa, the ATDA has become, over the years, a platform for exchange and collective intelligence between Africans, Europeans, Asians and Americans. It is an opportunity for participants to exchange best practices, identify new partners and new business opportunities on the continent.
About Cio Mag
Cio Mag is a bimonthly pan-African magazine dedicated to Information and Communication Technologies. It gives a voice to the actors who are driving the digital ecosystem forward.
Created in 2008, CIO Mag is published by the Société africaine de réalisation d’événementiels et de médias (Safrem Sarl). Its editorial line focuses on digital innovation as a factor of economic and social inclusiveness.
With a circulation of 10,000 copies, Cio Mag is distributed in all French-speaking African countries and in Europe.
About the CNDP
The protection of privacy in Morocco is enshrined in Article 24 of the Kingdom’s Constitution: “Everyone has the right to the protection of his or her private life…”.
The CNDP (Commission Nationale de contrôle de la protection des Données à caractère personnel) was created by Dahir n° 1-09-15 of 22 safar 1430 (18 February 2009) promulgating law n° 09-08 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. ( BO n° 5714 of 05/03/2009).
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