Are the health authorities in Morocco moving towards the introduction of a compulsory health pass for access to public places? This is the question that has been raised with insistence lately. Some people even say that the project of imposing a vaccination pass is very advanced and should be announced soon. Following in the footsteps of France as it has become accustomed to doing in the management of the pandemic, Morocco considers that the introduction of a compulsory health pass would make it possible to fight against the spread of the virus and possibly to avoid a possible fourth wave of Covid-19. But what about people with specific diseases who are not eligible for the vaccine? That is the question.
For these people are numerous and number in the millions. For the moment, nothing has been done about them. Many believe that they will be allowed access to public places on presentation of a medical certificate issued by a doctor. On the other hand, there is a problem: how to deal with falsifiers, as was the case for PCR tests or health passes? In France, where the authorities have introduced a compulsory health pass for access to several public places, including workplaces, politicians are expressing their opposition to this decision, which some see as a flagrant injustice to those who are medically prohibited from being vaccinated.
The health pass reached a new milestone in France on 30 August, becoming compulsory at work for 2 million employees in restaurants, cinemas, museums or even long-distance trains. Until November 15, employers will have to check the validity of the passes of their staff in contact with the public, as well as volunteers working in all “places, establishments, services or events” listed by the Ministry of Labour, including bars, theatres, inter-regional buses or planes, amusement parks, zoos, fairs and certain shopping centres.
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