The officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, headed respectively by Redouane Arrach, Director of Strategy and Statistics, and El Mahdi Arrifi, Director General of the Agricultural Development Agency (ADA) did not fail to seize this window of opportunity that is the Universal Exhibition Expo 2020 Dubai to reassure the international investment community of the business climate that Morocco offers to promote business opportunities in the agricultural and food sector.
Accompanied by Ghita Ghorfi, General Manager of Morocco Foudex, they had the opportunity to present, during the conference held on October 12, 2021, not only the Moroccan strategy for the agricultural sector and the dynamics of agri-food exports, but also the investment opportunities in the sector. The main theme of the conference is “Investing in a Sustainable Food System”.
This is a topical issue with all the climate changes we know about. Fortunately in Morocco, public officials have been able to have a vision that was put in place ten years ago, through the Green Morocco Plan, which will be continued today with the “Generation Green 2020-2030” strategy, which will help consolidate this vision and offer new investment opportunities for Morocco, which has “many assets in terms of diversity and international positioning”, as Ghita Ghorfi of Foodex and Redouane Arrach, from the Ministry of Agriculture, so well pointed out. Speaking at the opening of this conference, the latter did not fail to highlight the importance of the agricultural sector in the Moroccan economy, insisting on the fact that “everything is linked to agriculture.
Durung this conference, El Mahdi Arrifi of the ADA did not fail, in turn, to present the new investment opportunities that the Kingdom currently offers in the agricultural sector, and likely to meet the expectations of both national and international investors. To do this, the Agency he directs makes, moreover, a remarkable effort not only to mobilize land, facilitate the process of agricultural aggregation and accompany the bearers of agricultural projects but also to make known the business environment in the agri-food sector and this, through a framework as well as incentive, organizational, fiscal, financial and insurance of the most suitable.
Not to mention all the efforts made, in coordination with “Maroc Foodex”, to facilitate access of the various operators in the sector to foreign markets, whether Arab, European, American or others. And as Morocco is facing more than ever the challenges of climate change, the ADA is expected to play a strategic role in the transition to the green economy, all within the framework of a sustainable development.
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