After Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto’s successful visit to Los Angeles, California, the Moroccan rabbi went, a few days ago, to Las Vegas to visit his followers. He also met with the Moroccans who reside there, both Muslims and Jews, where hundreds of admirers and followers came to greet him and obtain his blessing, whether on a “business” or relational level.
The other popular destination was San Francisco, where Rabbi Pinto met with thousands of Jewish congregants living in the United States and elsewhere, where he gave them a Bible lesson.
The Moroccan rabbi, a descendant of the great Rabbi Haïm Pinto who is buried in Essaouira and whose tomb has become a sanctuary for all Jews around the world, has responded to all the invitations he has received from Jewish communities, whether from Morocco, Israel or other countries, residing in the United States and elsewhere. This in spite of the fact that he is in poor health. He also accepted invitations from many who wished to host him in their homes, and he found no discomfort in responding to their invitations, devoting entire nights to Torah reading and prayer late into the night, and giving lessons that have become very popular throughout the United States. This is because the rabbi combines religious sermons with life lessons and offers advice that is not without a special mystical and spiritual touch as he is one of the great masters of “Kabbalah”. So much so that his lessons have become very popular with Muslims as well, Moroccans and others, who are becoming addicted to them, as they cover various aspects of life: personal relationships, work, behavior, etc…
After his successful visit to Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas, it could extend to other American cities and states, before returning home again.
The last stop of his tour was in Manhattan, New York, where he celebrated, with the participation of thousands and thousands of his followers and faithful, the “Bar-Mitzvah” ceremony of his youngest son who reached the age of 13 and therefore he was entrusted with the fulfilment of all Jewish religious obligations.
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