The famous Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto visited New York in the United States to celebrate the ceremonies of “Sheva Berakhot” which lasts 7 days. This event was held on the occasion of the wedding of one of the great families of Jewish rabbis residing in the United States, namely the famous family of Rabbi Maskira.

Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto already met with Rabbi Maskira last month in Malibu, California, and they exchanged views on the Torah, the Jewish community residing in Morocco, and the charitable activities of various organizations that help Jews around the world, both financially and in terms of religious education.

The rabbi, who is originally from Essaouira, gave his blessings to the newlyweds at the celebrations in New Jersey, and recited prayers especially for this important occasion in Jewish culture and religion. Also known as the “wedding blessings” or “the seven blessings,” these are special blessings recited after the acts of grace at the meal marking the seven days of a couple’s marriage.

This event brought together several famous rabbis who are members of the “Simchat Hasidim Square” organization in New York. This organization is well known in the United States, as is the “Shuva Israel” organization presided over by Rabbi Yoshiyaho Yosef Pinto, who has been in the United States, where he has been undergoing treatment for cancer, for the past few days for medical examinations in order to monitor his health.

Rabbi Yoshiyaho Yosef Pinto, the president of the Hebrew court in Casablanca, has resumed his travels between Morocco and the United States following the easing of restrictive measures against the coronavirus. Despite his unstable health, he made a long tour in several countries where he gave courses of religion in New York and Los Angeles before returning to the country where he continued to give his courses attended by hundreds of his followers and millions on social networks who are all thirsty to learn and listen to his serene wisdom, his valuable recommendations, and his thoughtful opinions.

The courses that the Chief Rabbi of Morocco has given have been very successful in the United States, especially in Los Angeles, California, where thousands of followers and disciples, both Jewish and Muslim, who have heard of the blessings of the famous Moroccan Rabbi, have come and insisted on meeting him and listening to his advice on personal life, work, management, and business.

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