Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto, President of the Hebrew Court of Casablanca and Chief Rabbi of Morocco, made a quick visit to the Republic of Haiti, in the Caribbean. He met a number of local officials and ministers, and discussed with them many issues related to money and business, in addition to spiritual and religious matters.
Prior to arriving in Haiti, Rabbi Pinto traveled to the United States of America from Morocco last week in an effort to strengthen relations between the Jewish communities of both countries. While he was there, Rabbi Pinto was able to meet a number of representatives of the government of the Republic of Haiti, who invited him to visit the country officially.
The rabbi, whose roots originate from the Moroccan city of Essaouira, accepted the invitation. He was accompanied by a delegation of elite businessmen and business magnates from the United States of America who were received by Haitian officials.
Rabbi Pinto has many strong friendships with businessmen, presidents and kings in many countries worldwide. All of them seek his ” blessings ” for the successful running of their business and affairs. They also help finance his charitable projects and his schools for teaching the Jewish religion, which are spread all over the world and belong to his large organization “Shuva Israel”.
Several years ago, Rabbi Pinto, was appointed Chief Rabbi of the Hebrew Courts in Morocco, during a ceremony held at the “Beth El” temple in Casablanca. Many officials and men of power, led by the governor, Said Ahmidush, were present during the event.
Rabbi Pinto, a descendant of a family of great rabbis and miracle workers, enjoys the prestige and appreciation of officials in Morocco. Especially since he puts all his abilities at the service of this country in which his ancestors lived, and also at the service of its King, who occupies a special place in the Rabbi’s heart, and whom he has mentioned in his numerous interviews and dialogues during his media appearances.
Rabbi Pinto is considered one of the most active defenders of the Moroccan Sahara. He had previously launched a “video” appeal to all Moroccan Jews around the world, during the Guerguerat crisis, calling on them to support the Kingdom’s territorial integrity.
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