Naima Al-Mashreqi received the award for best actress for her role in the film “Autumn of Apple Trees” by Mohamed Mufteker. The award was presented to her at the Arab Film Festival in Malmö, which concluded its eleventh session last weekend.
In the same festival, the Palestinian artist Salim Daou won the award for best actor for his role in the film “Gaza Monamur” by the brothers Tarzan and Arab Nasser.
As for the best director, the Saudi Arabian Abdulaziz Al-Shalahi won the prize for his film “Hadd Al-Tar”. The prize for the best feature film was awarded to the Tunisian director Kawthar Bin Haniyeh for her film “The Man Who Sold His Back”. The jury awarded a special prize to the film “Algeria”, directed by Lina Sweilem.
The festival held the closing ceremony and awards ceremony at the Malmö Central Library, while taking precautionary measures against the spread of the Coronavirus.
In the short film category, the prize was won by the film “The Gift” by Palestinian director Farah Nabulsi. The jury also awarded two certificates of appreciation to the Egyptian film “Tok Tok” directed by Muhammad Khidr and the Sudanese film “The Six” by Susanna Mirghani.
The municipality of Malmö, located in the extreme south of Sweden, awarded the Audience Award for the Egyptian film “Curfew”. The film which was directed by Amir Ramses and starred by Ilham Shaheen and Amina Khalil.
The festival was launched on April the 6th with the participation of about 40 films from 23 countries. It should be noted that most of its activities were carried out via electronic platforms.
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