For the second edition of its “Design and Crafts” exhibition, the Banque Populaire Gallery once again blends two worlds of artistic expression: Moroccan craftsmanship, whose creative richness is admired by connoisseurs around the world, and design, which enriches an ancestral know-how skilfully perpetuated by virtuoso craftsmen.
The new exhibition, entitled “KAN YA MAKAN”, thus offers a magical immersion in a craft universe revisited by the Moroccan artist designer Leila Billon, who has worked alongside several craftsmen from cooperatives in the Khemisset region, to bring to the general public and art lovers creations of all beauty, combining authenticity and modernity.
Through this title evocative of wonder, Leila Billon invites visitors to plunge into a fairy-tale world of oriental inspiration, on the borderline between fairy tales and reality, mixing traditional craftsmanship and contemporary design.
“I wanted to start with the idea of an imaginary tale, a little bit between East and West but taking place in a magical itinerant Riad appearing to lost travellers, in which would be presented a synthesis or part of the references of the Moroccan heritage which “inhabited” my childhood… (Hayté, wooden candleholders, fabrics and paintings painted with henna…). Elements of Moroccan heritage that are dear to me, that are part of my creative universe, enriched by childhood memories, stories… This exhibition is in a way a tribute to a transmission of the Moroccan passion that I received from my mother…”, sums up the artist.
Since its creation, the Banque Populaire Gallery has made it its mission to accompany and support the local cultural and artistic dynamic, by hosting exhibitions of established and up-and-coming artists and craftsmen from the Rabat-Kenitra region.
For the President of the Executive Board of the Banque Populaire de, Rabat-Kénitra Bouchra Berrada,
“The Banque Populaire Gallery has chosen to exhibit the result of a happy marriage between the designer Leila Billon and Moroccan craftsmen from several regions. The meeting between these skills has given rise to a rich, diversified and quality craft production, capable of meeting the expectations of consumers both in Morocco and abroad. After a first Design and Crafts exhibition in 2019, the Galerie Banque Populaire is hosting this second edition, which aims to create a real dynamic combining the expertise and creative approach of a designer with those of several craftsmen grouped into cooperatives”.
Through this initiative, Banque Populaire confirms its ongoing support for craftsmen, at all times and particularly in this difficult context, and reinforces its role as a major player in supporting the Regional Economy.
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