Intelligence Minister Eli Cohen congratulated the results of the second closure as a success and said that the economy could be opened up.
“The closure has proved its worth, the public has reacted and now we can reap the rewards – both in the education system and in the opening up of commerce,” said the minister in the “Morning News”, “In my opinion, street shops should be open from Sunday.”
Corona will meet this morning (Thursday) to decide whether the shops will open next Sunday. The Minister of Intelligence has expressed his support for the opening of the shops: “The closure has proved its worth, it is now possible to reap the benefits”. Elie Cohen attacked the behaviour of the blue and white party following their threat to form an alternative government with the common list.
“We are moving in the right direction,” continued Minister Cohen. “In morbidity, the rate of positive infections, which peaked at 15%, is currently only 2%. Israel is among the first countries to win the second wave”.
This is the positive result of the closure for the virus, but the economic disease persists. It is the end of October and the State of Israel still has no 2020 budget.
“The budget should be transferred immediately. Minister Yisrael Katz had made an excellent proposal, to transfer the 2020 budget next Sunday, and in mid-December to put the 2021 budget on the table and have it approved by the Knesset”.
“But the blue and white party vetoed it. They know it takes time to approve the budget in the Knesset legislation. “
Why not move the 2021 budget as well? The Department of Finance says that such a budget can be prepared in a matter of days.
“The preparation of the 2021 budget will take between a month and a month and a half. The timeframe is reasonable. What I sense in the blue and white party is that there is no leader. Assaf Zamir resigns, Miki Haimovich goes to demonstrations, Nissenkorn says one thing, Ashkenazi says another. There is no one to make decisions.”
You’re supposed to be partners, but it looks like you’re enemies.
Minister Alon Schuster of the blue and white party said this week that for them the best thing to do is to partner with the joint list and that partnership with Netanyahu is inconceivable.
The joint list is a hallucinatory list that is opposed to the peace agreements. Anyone who is an Israeli resident and opposes the peace agreements is a fifth column. It is inconceivable
So, when do you think the elections will take place?
“The 2020 budget is like an hourglass coming to an end. If it is not adopted before 23 December, we will reach the elections. I hope common sense will prevail and the blue and white party will recover. Perhaps they will be under pressure from the ballot boxes . “They have to make the right decision.”
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