The Likud deputies are against the law for the prevention of economic violence in the family: one of their arguments is “What if it is the wife who impoverishes her husband?”.
The bill, which allows the court to issue orders to end economic violence in the family, reached the Constitution Committee, where it was severely criticized by Likud deputies, who announced they would vote against it. “Don’t let the judges run the family,” said Qari deputy.
Deputy Zandberg: “We feel like a time machine going back to the Middle Ages”.
The ministerial legislative committee approved a bill that allows the court to order the cessation of economic abuse and allows victims to seek compensation.
But Likud Constitution deputies vote against the proposal.
At the hearing, Justice Minister advisor Avi Nissenkorn said that this is a precedent-setting bill that is there to solve a problem that exists in families in Israel “The bill is gender-independent and is designed to combat all types of economic violence from both husband and wife,” she said.
Deputy Shlomo Qara said at the hearing: “Minister Nissenkorn and Minister Meirav Cohen are trying to promote a dangerous and irrelevant bill that is a demagogic cover. We have gone completely crazy. “
“Violence must be punished with all the severity of the law and I support it, but ‘legalization’ has taken over democracy and Nissenkorn wants to bring it into the family,” he added. “Don’t let the judges run our family. “
Deputy Amit Halevi told the audience: “If a husband comes and says to his wife, ‘Put your salary here,’ then it’s their business, it’s between them.
Can we say that this situation belongs to the definition of violence? Not sure.
The question before us is when should we, as legislators, intervene?
MP Ariel Kellner adds: “Perhaps he inflicted financial terror on her by not letting her buy clothes for 10 NIS? Or maybe she terrified him when she bought clothes for 10,000 shekels and thus impoverished him, and because of that he cannot go to a soccer game…”.
The Minister replied to Ariel Kellner “what you say does not exist
“. Women victims of economic violence are not fighting for the right to buy a piece of clothing for 10,000 shekels, but for their fundamental right to be taken into account so as not to create a pseudo economic dependence on them. The purpose of our law is not to manage the family income, but to provide the victims with an escape from reality. Economic cruelty often leads to physical violence. “
Deputy Keren Barak, said at the hearing: “This is a government law passed by a ministerial committee for legislation, unanimously and in first reading. All members of the government and the coalition voted for it. “Economic violence is terrorism in every respect,” Keren Barak added.
“I have been exposed to women who live this terrorism on a daily basis,” she continued, “it crosses all social levels and it is almost always accompanied by sexual and physical violence for the women behind the walls. “
The chairman of the Committee for the Advancement of Women, Oded Forer, noted after the discussion: “There are representatives of the Likud who have long forgotten what it means to be liberal. The Likud deputies have put obstacles in the way of combating violence against women, precisely on days when violence against women crosses borders. Economic violence is one of the means that also leads to physical violence. “Unfortunately, instead of uniting to eradicate the phenomenon, the Likud chooses to stand by the side of violence“.
Strong criticism was expressed by Deputy Tamar Zandberg, who wrote on Twitter: “Shocked by the Constitution Committee. Discussion of a bill that looked like a time machine. Deputies who turned a deaf ear to the phenomenon of economic violence and allows women to continue to be abused. Why is this? Because of the sanctity of the family, because of interference in “private” affairs. To be against women is to be against human life! “
The President of WIZO attacked the statements that were heard during the discussion.
” Some of our elected officials behave like the last words in front of a coffin, while even today, the murder of two women took place in Israel at 3 hours intervals.”
“Economic violence is violence that is sometimes accompanied by physical and mental violence. I suggest that these members of the Knesset come to the Na’amat Family Center to learn more and overcome their ignorance. “
Lawyer Meirav Shmueli, who promotes the policy within the Female Spirit – Economic Independence for Women Victims of Violence, an association that was among the drafters of the law a few years ago and has been leading the bill since, also responded:
“The statements express a fundamental lack of understanding of economic violence. “Economic violence is ongoing behavior, accompanied by coercion and intimidation, and not really a small dispute over personal spending.“
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