Jewish Artist: Yehuda Adi Devir repertoire of our weaknesses

Yehuda Adi Devir: Repertoires of our weaknesses

The cartoonist Yehuda Adi Devir is a great success in Israel and in the world because of his way of immortalizing the life of a couple. His Instagram account has become a must. Everyone goes there to find their own image…

As a basis, the artist uses his life with his (beautiful) wife. And suddenly the thirty and forty-year-olds in Tel Aviv are our fellow men, our brothers and sisters with their vanity, their loves, their weaknesses.

It is enough for Yihuda Adi Devir, to make people laugh, to force the line. Too many muscles appear on the torsos of the males and the females have shapes that are not only authoritative on the shores of the Mediterranean.

Staging and spatialization creates a return to Berkeley’s phrase to the subject: “Esse est percipi” (“to be is to be perceived”). This phrase remains crucial to understanding the farce that refers to ourselves.

Each drawing allows us to pin up our miserable “farcical vacations” (Montaigne). The thumbnails create an ironic breath. It’s up to us to find something to straighten out our behaviour. Or to lock ourselves in it…

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