The government publishes a plan that could allow Israelis to travel to Uman.
The plan was drafted by a group of appointed ministers appointed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and led by MP Ze’ev Elkin.
Following lengthy discussions over the past week to find a way to allow Israelis to travel to Uman in Ukraine as part of the annual pilgrimage, a group of ministers released an outline on Saturday evening that will allow the trip to take place under restrictive conditions.
The plan, which must now be approved by the Ukrainian government, was drafted by a group of ministers appointed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and led by MP Ze’ev Elkin.
The plan took into account the discussions held by the Ukrainian government to define its guidelines for dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, and was drafted in a way that satisfied all parties concerned, including the Hasidim and Ukrainian health authorities.
Israelis travelling to Uman will be forced to do so in small groups, each comprising only a few dozen people, according to the plan. The exact number has not yet been defined.
In addition, the visit to the tomb of Rabbi Nachman Breslev will take the form of a “mobile assembly line” in order to avoid a long stay in a crowded space. Finally, on their return to Israel, travellers will also be divided into groups and will have to enter quarantine under surveillance after their return.
Although the scheme offers appropriate solutions to various concerns raised by the Ukrainian authorities, it may not be relevant for the Ukrainian government not to change its current policy of preventing tourists from any country from entering the country.
According to N12, the first and most important objective of the plan is to enable the safe return of the approximately 2,000 hasidim currently in Ukraine.
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