The popular dancer Maya responded boldly to her critics’ criticism. In an interview with a famous Moroccan electronic channel, Maya commented on her appearance in the viral video on social networks in which she was seen dancing on a yacht in the middle of the sea with several people at a luxurious party.
She explained that the video was normal and didn’t need all this fuss, since anyone can rent a yacht with family and friends and have a party on it. She also said that the number of guests at the party did not exceed the legal limit of the containment relief measures that the government imposed, and added that not wearing the mask amounted to the fact that it was a private party with friends and not in a public place.
Maya urged those who criticize her clothing choices and dancing to mind their own business and not to interfere with the freedom of others. She said that she has the right to wear what she wants and dance as she pleases to do so. Life goes on in spite of crises, so everyone is free to live it as they see fit.

Maya denied the presence of Mostafa Terrab, the director of OCP, in the viral video. The latter was accused by Facebook critics and users for abusing Moroccan phosphate money for private parties, and she explained that she was invited to this party by one of her friends.
The video of Maya on this yacht has caused much controversy on social networks, critics have accused her of partying without respect for health measures while the authorities prevent poor people from their rights to travel and go to the beach under the pretext of protecting them from the virus.
The video of Maya on this yacht has caused much controversy on social networks, critics have accused her of partying without respect for health measures while the authorities prevent poor people from their rights to travel and go to the beach under the pretext of protecting them from the virus.
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