Will we even reconfine Casablanca? The question is constantly being asked, but will only be answered as the epidemiological situation in the city evolves.
Will we even reconfine Casablanca? The question is constantly being asked, but will only be answered as the epidemiological situation in the city evolves. For now, the current state of affairs is far from reassuring for the vast majority of citizens. Meanwhile, the other Moroccans are living their lives as if the nightmare of Covid-19 was already far behind us. The beaches of Casablanca are under attack, the big fast-food chains are not empty, Casablancais walk the streets without wearing masks, the notion of social distancing seems to be taken for a myth… One would be tempted to think that, after all, these people are free to believe or not to believe in the Covid-19 and that their attitude only affects them. This is unfortunately far from being the case! Every time one of us lets our guard down, the increase in risk for the whole community goes as fast as a domino effect.
Last Tuesday, the government decided to close two neighborhoods in Casablanca following the detection of serious epidemiological outbreaks within these areas. Can we still live “normally” in other parts of the city? Do we have to wait until entire areas are barred off before we become aware of the seriousness of the situation and the tragedy that could result from the worsening epidemiological data?
The local authorities of Casablanca undertook, on Friday, a series of restrictive measures in the district of Anfa, following the multiplication of cases of Covid-19 contamination. The measures taken include the ban on broadcasting matches on screens in cafes and the closure of certain streets and neighborhoods, namely Boulevard Taher El Alaoui, Rue Abderrahmane El Mkhanet, Rue Mouha Ou Said, Bab Marrakech, Bab Jdid, Sour Jdid and Tnaker, local sources said. Joint patrols were also set up on filtering barriers at the level of access to the central, Benjdia and Chaouia markets.
In addition, the local authorities have installed security barriers in Hay Moulay Rachid, following the registration of new cases of Coronavirus in the area.
Admittedly, the decision to close towns or neighborhoods is not an easy one for the government. It is both the health issue that must be weighed and the economic spin-offs that must be carefully assessed. The responsibility for these choices must be fully – or even heavily – assumed. That is why Casablanca has not been reconfined so far. So, please, through our maturity, let us not make a return to confinement a forced choice!
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