The information that was rumored to be true is now confirmed. The state of health emergency has been extended and there will be no full opening of the borders before 10 September 2020. A note recently sent to aircrew has just confirmed this state of affairs. “Flights to and from Morocco will be at a standstill, with the exception of cargo flights or “over-flight”,” it reads.
“The repatriation operations of Moroccans from abroad will nevertheless be extended, and it will still be possible for them to travel to Morocco or to their countries of residence, with the agreement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” a well-informed air source told us.
It should be recalled that the Governing Council, at its meeting on Thursday in Rabat, decided to extend the state of health emergency until September 10, 2020. The decision was taken within the framework of efforts to fight against the spread of the pandemic of the new Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Thus, the Governing Council, meeting under the chairmanship of the Head of Government Saad Dine El Otmani, adopted draft Decree No. 2.20.526 extending the state of health emergency throughout the national territory. This project is part of the efforts of public authorities who ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of measures taken to combat the spread of the pandemic Covid-19, said Said Amzazi. He added that this legal text aims to extend the period of validity of the state of health emergency throughout the national territory from Monday, August 10 at 18:00 to September 10, 2020 at 18h00″.
As in the previous stages, the minister continued, “all preventive and repressive measures taken in the framework of the state of health emergency will remain in force and will be adapted whenever circumstances require it”. If the state of emergency is extended again on 10 September, the air borders cannot be fully opened.
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