On Friday, 10 Di Al Hijja 1441 AH (July 31, 2020), His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Amir Al-Mumininin, together with Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan and Prince Moulay Rashid, performed the prayer of blessed Eid Al-Adha at the Royal Residence in M’Diq.
In compliance with the preventive health measures taken to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the King graciously performed the Eid prayer without the sermon, as were the members of his faithful people.
The King proceeded to perform the ritual of sacrifice after the prayer, following the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The Imam then proceeded to sacrifice the second sheep.
May God bless His Majesty the King, may He preserve His Majesty the King, may He perpetuate the blessings of health upon Him and grant Him a long life. May He bless the Sovereign in the person of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid and all the members of the illustrious Royal Family.
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