Nearly half of Moroccan households rely on the public authorities to deconfine the population in a satisfactory manner. These results are based on the findings of the 2nd panel on the impact of the Coronavirus on the economic, social and psychological situation of households, issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Planning (HCP).
“Households’ confidence in the ability of public authorities to achieve deconfinement varies according to the areas of intervention,” says the HCP. It reports that for the return of workers to their workplaces, 55% of households are totally confident, 27.5% are not very confident and 4.8% are not confident at all.
Regarding assistance to the most affected economic sectors, this panel shows that 45.8% are fully confident, 30.2% not very confident and 7.5% not confident at all.
As regards the application of protective measures in public places (restaurants, cafés, markets, etc.), the HCP indicates that 50.3% of households are totally confident, 28.9% are not very confident and 10.6% are not confident at all.
According to the same source, 54.4% of households are totally confident in the ability of the public authorities to ensure the best conditions for the conduct of school examinations, while 21.8% are not very confident and 3.7% are not confident at all. For better organization of public transport, 45.4% say they are totally confident, 32.3% not very confident and 12.4% not confident at all.
The main objective of this panel, which was conducted by the HCP from 15 to 24 June among a representative sample of 2,169 households, was to understand the evolution of socio-economic and preventive behaviors in the context of covid-19. It also assessed the repercussions of this health crisis on the different sections of the Moroccan population in terms of access to education, health care, employment and income.
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