The Ministry of Interior announced on Monday that following the observation of the non-commitment of some people to the prevention guidelines adopted under the state of health emergency, the public authorities will proceed to the closure of neighborhoods that would constitute new outbreaks of infection. These neighborhoods will be sealed off, control measures will be strengthened and entrances and exits will be closed, as was the case on Sunday in Tangier, where several neighborhoods were closed.
In a press release, the ministry recalls that the public authorities have closed, in some areas, any production, service or tourism unit that had not ensured compliance with the rules of the health protocol currently in force.
The Ministry stresses that, on the basis of daily monitoring of the level of respect for the preventive guidelines adopted within the framework of the state of health emergency, and in view of the development of the epidemiological situation in our country during the summer period, a lack of application has been observed among some people through irresponsible behavior undermining the preventive and health measures announced by the public authorities.
The press release warns that the authorities will not tolerate any carelessness regarding the preventive measures adopted, otherwise the authorities will apply legal measures against any person who violates the rules.
In view of the fact that the threat is always present and continuous, the public authorities insist on the need for strict compliance with all the preventive measures adopted by the health authorities on the part of employers and heads of administrative institutions, as well as citizens, concludes the statement.
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