Singapore, 15 July 2020. MCI Singapore launched a series of interactive digital training and seminar events with Prudential Corporation Asia (PCA), a member of Prudential plc group of companies. The series of interactive virtual events and seminars is part of Prudential’s commitment to ensure continued care for customers to keep customers and agents engaged through the COVID-19 pandemic.
The series of digital events demonstrates Prudential’s commitment to enable their agents to continue to care for customers by acquiring new skills to operate in unique environments now and the future. Within 3 months of launching, Prudential and MCI succeeded in reaching 108,000 agents and customers through 30 sessions broadcasted in 10 countries.
Prudential led the way in Asia by formulating an all-digital engagement strategy to enable their agents to continue to learn and connect with their customers through nationwide lockdowns and social distancing in the markets PCA operates in. MCI Singapore was selected as the partner for delivering a regional online community and worked with PCA todeliver the programme from design to concept, including content creation.
Lilian Ng, Chief Executive, Insurance, Prudential Corporation Asia: “_COVID-19 presented unprecedented challenges to our customers and agents. We adapted quickly and made full use of the technology solutions available. By deploying future-ready solutions, we have revolutionised the way agents do business and engage with customers through these disruptive times._”
Prudential has taken the lead in digital engagement within its sector and focused on technologies to continue to realise theircustomer-centric approach. Instead of postponing or cancelling events in the light of COVID-19 restrictions. MCI and Prudential transformed what was primarily designed as a face-to-face experience into a virtual series of engaging events.
As part of the preparations, MCI organised a broadcast centre, performed online speaker trainings and delivered easy-to-use broadcast kits to the speakers for use. Each event session was supported by a dedicated team to support and help participants navigate their virtual experience. MCI worked closely with Prudential to make the content more interactive and engaging, overcoming the lower attention span in the virtual space.
Oscar Cerezales, Global Executive Vice President Corporate Division & COO Asia Pacific, MCI: “_In the context of the rapid world digitisation, embracing change should be seen as an opportunity rather than a threat. At MCI, we grasp this moment by providing our clients with relevant solutions and processes to build audiences_”.
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