RELEASE. Royal Air Maroc announces details of access conditions for the special flights launched as of July 15.
Casablanca, July 11, 2020 – After the launch of the special flights program starting from July 15, 2020, Royal Air Maroc would like to specify that passengers must fulfill the conditions set up by the Moroccan government within the framework of this operation.
Flights to Morocco are open to all Moroccan citizens (tourists stranded abroad, students or residents abroad) and their families, and also to citizens of other nationalities residing in Morocco.
For all flights to Morocco, passengers must have a negative PCR test within 48 hours and a serological test. Children under 11 years of age are exempt from the test.
Flights departing from Morocco are open to Moroccans residing abroad and their families, to foreigners residing or not residing in Morocco, and their families, to Moroccan students enrolled in universities abroad, to businessmen and businesswomen, as well as to citizens forced to travel abroad for medical treatment, provided they have an exceptional authorization issued by the prefecture of their province.
Passengers on flights departing from Morocco are exempt from testing; however, they must inform and comply with the health provisions required by the countries of their final destination.
Royal Air Maroc also reminds passengers that masks must be worn on all its flights and that only handbags and computers are allowed on board as carry-on baggage.
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