The Moroccan artist Abdeladim Chennaoui passed away Friday night in Casablanca at the age of 85, after suffering from a long illness, said the Moroccan Union of Theater, Film and Television Workers.
” The members of the union’s national executive board and its regional and provincial branches learned with great sorrow of the death of the artist Abdeladim Chennaou,” the union said in a statement.
The deceased, an artist of great caliber, was one of the pioneers of Moroccan theater with an important contribution to the repertoire of the national cultural and artistic movement, particularly with the group of ” the Arab brotherhood ” or that of the ” united artists ” with timeless works such as “At-taich”, “Al-jaiza” and “Inkasar zoujaj”, adds the same source.
The late Chennaoui also had a significant media experience with more than 50 radio broadcasts and several appearances in dramatic works on the small screen, says the Union.
Abdeladim Chennaoui is one of the most experienced veterans of the Moroccan artistic and media scene. A native of Casablanca, he is a graduate of the Higher Institute of Cinema in Cairo.
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