As Eid Al-Adha 1441 (2020) is approaching, more than 4.5 million sheep and goats were tagged between 22 April and 6 June 2020.
This tagging operation consists, as in the last two years, of placing a yellow loop on one of the animal’s ears, bearing a unique serial number for each animal, in addition to the words “Eid al-Adha” in Arabic.
The tagging operation, which is part of the preparations being carried out by the National Office of Food Safety for Eid al-Adha, is continuing in all regions of the Kingdom.
The Office’s veterinary services have registered 242,000 sheep and goat fattening units within the framework of this program.
In addition to the registration of supplying farms and the tagging of animals, preparations include a set of measures such as the control of animal feed, the use of veterinary medicines, the use of drinkable water, and the circulation of droppings, which is conditional on obtaining a pass from the ONSSA veterinary services in order to follow their traceability.
It should be noted that the health situation of the national herd is satisfactory. Health monitoring and surveillance are carried out throughout the national territory by the ONSSA veterinary services in close collaboration with private veterinarians.
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